This section provides you with FREE video tutorials for those using either a basic, scientific, or graphing calculator. Click on a title below, then a calculator image, to take you to the appropriate lesson.
NOTE: Most links do not work yet. I’m working on these videos now. When ready, clicking on each calculator image in the links below will take you to the list of available video tutorials.
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NOTE: Most links do not work yet. I’m working on these videos now. When ready, clicking on each calculator image in the links below will take you to the list of available video tutorials.
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Calculator Tips
Open or CloseClick on image to see a short video on general tips on how to better use your calculator.Click on image to learn a great way to rent a graphing calculator to use in your math, science, or engineering class. -
Basic Calculator
Open or CloseIn this short series of videos I will show you what to look for when purchasing a basic calculator and then show you how to best use it.
These lessons will give you experience and training and are especially useful to those taking the paper test version of the GRE Test or other tests that require the use of a simple, basic calculator (also known as a “4-function” calculator).
Since there are hundreds (thousands?) of different models of calculators out there, I am using in these videos a generic one I created that has most of the same characteristics of many basic calculators. -
TI-30XS MultiView
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the TI-30XS MultiView Scientific Calculator.
This calculator is used for the 2014 series GED® Test (All United States Test-Takers). -
TI-30X Pro & TI-36X Pro
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the TI-30X Pro and TI-36X Pro Scientific Calculators (they are essentially the same calculator).
This is Texas Instrument’s best scientific calculator, in my opinion. -
TI-73 Explorer
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the TI-73 Explorer Graphing Calculator. -
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Graphing Calculator.
These videos will also be useful to those who have an older TI-84 Plus or if you use an older version of the TI-nspire with the TI-84 keyboard. -
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition & TI-84 Plus CE
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculators.
This is Texas Instrument’s best graphing calculator, in my opinion. -
TI-nspire CX
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the TI-nspire CX Graphing Calculator.
When needed, I will also discuss in videos the keystroke sequences for the 2 older TI-nspire models. -
TI-nspire CX CAS
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the TI-nspire CX CAS Graphing Calculator.
When needed, I will also discuss in videos the keystroke sequences for the 2 older TI-nspire CAS models. -
Casio fx-55 PLUS
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Casio fx-55 PLUS Scientific Calculator. -
Casio fx-115ES PLUS
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Casio fx-115ES PLUS Scientific Calculator.
This is Casio’s best scientific calculator, in my opinion. -
Casio fx-260 SOLAR
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Casio fx-260 SOLAR Scientific Calculator.
This calculator is used for the 2002 series GED® Test (Canadian and International Test-Takers). -
Casio fx-300ES PLUS
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Casio fx-300ES PLUS Scientific Calculator. -
Casio fx-9860GII - See the Playlist!
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Casio fx-9860GII Graphing Calculator.
These videos will also be useful to those who have an older fx-9860G model or the Slim version.
Click HERE to view complete playlist. -
Casio fx-CG10
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Casio fx-CG10 Graphing Calculator (AKA the “Prizm”).
This is Casio’s best graphing calculator, in my opinion. -
HP 10s+
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Hewlett-Packard HP 10s+ Scientific Calculator. -
HP Prime
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Hewlett-Packard HP Prime Graphing Calculator. -
Canon F-792SGA
Open or CloseIn these videos, I will show you how to REALLY use the Canon F-792SGA Scientific Calculator.